What is Blog Blogger and Blogging

When we think about online earning at home, Then we go to Google and search for the same thing, then we find many ways there, but there are 2 most special ways to earn money internet, first youtube and second blog. Most people know about youtube is the world’s 2nd search engine platform to make money from it, but most people don’t know what is a blog or what is the meaning of a blog. In today’s post, we will learn more about the blog, what is a blog, what is the definition of a blog.

In this post, I explained the meaning of three things that you want to know.

First of all what is the meaning of blog, what is the meaning of blogging, and what is the meaning of blogger and after that how can you start and how you can earn from blog.

what is blog blogger and blogging

 What is the meaning of blog? 

In simple words, The meaning of a Blog is to reach people through a digital platform by writing their thoughts, feelings, knowledge, or any information, it’s called a blog. you can call it a diary where you can write whatever you want.

There are mainly two types of blogs, one which is made only to share their feelings, thoughts and life experience and secondly, they are aimed at making money by making blogs and they create different types of blogs for it.

Thousands of blogs are created every day on the Internet, like irrisgreek, this is also a blog whose purpose is to provide you with the right information.

A blog can make anyone who has knowledge of basic computer, but you have to basic knowledge on writing because in blogging content writing is everything. Without content, there is no blog.
